李建标教授是学校引进的特聘教授,2019年签署入职合同以来,他立即筹建了新葡萄88805官网类脑经济学研究院、迅速架构了研究团队,并围绕神经经济学和神经金融学等领域展开研究,到目前为止,李建标教授及其团队已在《Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience》(IF:3.662)、《Scientific Reports》(IF:4.011)、《Frontiers in Psychology》(IF:2.129)、《Frontiers in Neuroscience》(IF:3.648)、《Frontiers in Human Neuroscience》(IF:2.870)、《Neuroscience Letters》(IF:2.173,)等期刊发表新葡萄88805官网为第一或者通讯作者单位的论文8篇,累计影响因子为24.27。这些研究的主要学术贡献包括:
[1] Niu X, Li Jianbiao*, Browne G J, et al. Transcranial stimulation over right inferior frontal gyrus increases the weight given to private information during sequential decision-making [J]. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2019, 14(1): 59-71.
[2] Zhu C, Pan J, Li Jianbiao*, et al. Internal cost of spontaneous deception revealed by ERPs and EEG spectral perturbations [J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1):5402.
[3] Pan J, Zhu C, Li Jianbiao*, et al. Uncertainty modulates the effect of transcranial stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on decision-making under threat [J]. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13:305.
[4] Pan J, Wang Y W, Li Jianbiao*, et al. Neural dynamics underlying the evaluation process of ambiguous options during reward-related decision-making[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 10: 1979.
[5] Pan J, Liu X, Wang Y W, Li Jianbiao*. Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates the effect of unreasonable request in the context of peer punishment[J]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 255.
[6] Wang M, Li Jianbiao*, Li D, et al. Anodal tDCS Over the Right Temporoparietal Junction Lowers Overbidding in Contests[J]. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13.
[7] Guang R, Li Jianbiao*, et al. Neural dynamics of processing probability weight and monetary magnitude in the evaluation of a risky reward [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 10:554.
[8] Minda Wanga, Jianbiao Li*, Dahui Lid, et al. Modulation of Income Redistribution Decisions by Anodal tDCS over the Medial Prefrontal Cortex [J] Neuroscience Letters,forthcoming.